It all started Wednesday. I took my first pill Tuesday evening and everything seemed fine. On Wednesday after Acupuncture I stopped by my moms for dinner since Chris was on shift. I told her about this sore spot I started feeling weds. morning. Nothing too bad, just when you would feel in my armpit it was tender.
Something similar happened years ago to me. I had a sore/tender spot in my armpit that eventually went away after a week or two. I thought at first it was an ingrown hair but never found a spot that looked like a hair that was ingrown.
So anyways, Thursday I still felt the tender spot there but it was the same so I didn't really think anything of it. Then in the middle of the night I woke up to the same pain but had increased a lot! Now when I even raise my arm or use my left arm to push or lift something it hurts!! I called my mom and she said it could be a lymph node or cyst? So i called my Dr's office and spoke to the nurse who then put me on the phone with my Dr, who then told me it was probably a cyst formed in the breast tissue!!! WTF!!! Are you serious?!?! Only me! lol
So he said no caffeine (which i don't even drink soda) and no chocolate. Also to try and keep a heating bad on it. He said they usually go away on there own but if not he can drain it with a needle! again....WTF!!! You want to stick a needle in my ARMPIT to drain it?!!?!?!
And I still had two more pills to take at this point!! ahhhh!!! If it were to get worse after last nights pill then I was not to take the last one. Which I really just want to finish the dose so it has a chance to work! So I fell a sleep last night with the heating pad in my armpit. Yes it was quite a sight! lol Low and behold I woke up this morning and it worked!!! It is still a bit tender when you push in my Armpit but nothing like yesterday! I can raise my arm now and lift things with no pain. So I am going to stay away from coffee and chocolate and keep my heating pad close by. Also as of yesterday I have been getting bad headaches. Not sure if they are from the Clomid or not but I have one right now that is sooo bad. So I am going to take a little nap.
Visit with RE on Tuesday to see how my follies look. Keeping our fingers crossed again this month that this will work!!
wow, i just thought i would check in on your page, another something.. :( i'm glad though the heating pad worked and youre feeling better, good luck at the dr tomorrow.