Tuesday, April 7, 2009

CPR Certified!

This evening me and my friends Lauren & Nikki took a CPR course. Chris had wanted me to take one when I was pregnant because (being a paramedic) he thinks every parent should be. After taking this class I totally agree. It really could make a difference of saving your child's life! Chris had said he thinks they should make it mandatory when you are pregnant to take this. They should, especially since those few minutes (best response time for paramedics to arrive being at least 5 or 6 minutes) are even more critical for a child while their heart has stopped beating. I also feel better knowing if Chris (or any family member/friend) was choking or not breathing I could really help them from having brain damage or even worse brain dead by keeping up w/CPR.
We all actually were surprise by how much we enjoyed the class and had a good time. Wasn't even really boring at all. Just informative. If someone already started CPR before Paramedics arrive it makes their chance of survival so much better! Something so easy to learn I would feel horrible if I had the chance to do something & chose not to.
I think I would actually feel a lot better if someone watching my child knew CPR. So hopefully one day soon, that means (Mom A. & Mom M.) you need to get certified too! :o)~


  1. I am so glad that I went. I feel so much better knowing that I could save someone's life. Thanks again for the invite!

  2. I wish I could have gone- I definetly need to do this soon...
