Last night we celebrated our one year anniversary early. I work Monday (our actual Anniversary date) and Chris is on shift. So we decided to go out & celebrate last night. We went and had a nice dinner @ Houston's in N. Miami Bch.. This is where Chris proposed on 7/5/07 as most of you already know. This was the first time we had been back there and had known this is where we planned to go for dinner on our 1 year anniversary. It was a nice evening together that we both needed after the stress of things over the past two months. Here are a few pics I took before we left. (you know me! chris groaned when he saw me get out the tripod! ;o)) The last pic is of our year old wedding cake. ;o)~ Got to keep with the tradition of good luck. We need it. Chris of course made me take the first bite! (and thank you again for the very thoughtful gift card Kim. We were saving it to use for our anniversary)
I started this blog to keep close friends and family updated with info and pics of our pregnancy and baby.
Sadly our littlest Angel grew wings early on 2/4/09♥. I decided to keep this blog during our journey with Infertility.
Plus I really like this blogging and hoped to look back on all this, while our baby is sleeping, with a smile on my face that it was all so very worth it!
On May 4th 2010 we finally welcomed our rainbow baby, Kailyn Marie, into our family. Now I use this blog as her baby book so one day she can read about herself and just how much she was loved by so many!
2005-1st MC around 5wks 7/07-My love proposed 4/08-Married my wonderful Hubby 5/08-Good riddens birth control 12/08-Started TTC 1/09-WOW! It's really a BFP!!!Naively happy and pregnant, so I start this blog. See heartbeat @ 6wks 1day. Everything looks great! 2/4/09-MC @ 7 1/2 weeks, baby measured 6wks 3 days 2/09-Blood testing for poss reasons for miscarriages 3/09-Diagnosed with MTHFR homozygous 3/09-A Baby?Maybe...Let's just see what happens. 4/09-Not as easy as we thought it would be. Let's get serious about this TTC thing. Trying not to worry too much... 5/09-Started seeing RE 5/09-Started on Folbic for MTHFR (extra Folic Acid 6/09-Series of testing, vaginal ultrasounds, Saline Sono, blood tests, Semen Analysis, Endometrial Biopsy, AMH test 7/09-Everything normal except AMH is a little low (low ovarian reserve) TTC on our own this month, good follicle R side CD13-16mm, O'd CD14, HCG "booster" shot after ovulation and start Progestrone, 5th time BFN?!? We thought our problem was Recurrent Miscarriages, now we face unexplained Infertility 7/09 - 8/09-#6 cycle TTC since MC, Clomid CD5-9, Acupuncture, CD12=17mm & 12mm Follies R side, CD13 + OPK & Ovidrel, O'd CD14, spotting CD24,25,26, BFN 13DPO, 14DPO We're PG! Beta/HCG=46 Progesterone=26.7, 18DPO Beta=75 Progesterone=14.7 told to start Progesterone suppositories =(, 21DPO Beta=232! Progesterone=26.4, 25DPO Beta=1.432 Progesterone=22 9/09- 29DPO Beta=4,948 Progesterone 27.7 Ultrasound shows Sac, Yolk & Fetal pole developing, 36DPO Beta=19,332 Progesterone=32 Ultrasound shows HEARTBEAT!& Fetus measuring 6wks 4days 9/17/09- Baby measuring 7wks 3days. Heart rate now 156BPM!! 5/4/10 - Baby Kailyn Marie is born!! ♥
Congrats on your Anniversary! How was the wedding cake? Ours is in our freezer, but I don't know about year old cake!
ReplyDeleteHow did yours taste? Ours was AWFUL!